Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kicking A** and Takin' Names!

Do you ever have those days where you just feel like you are taking the world by storm? Totally had one of those days yesterday. I had a HUGE project at work that was on an insanely short deadline. I had to rally my creative troops and tackle concepting and design of 10 new products for a major retailer that many like to refer to by it's French name, Tarjay. It was iffy at best if we could get this all done in 4 days. But my group absolutely nailed it. We pushed, and worked our butts off, and brainstormed and designed like our hair was on fire. The presentation I lead was clearly above and beyond what the group expected, our awesomeness as a creative team and my prowess as a manager and art-director was confirmed (joking, I don't really have that big of a head), and it ended with high-fives in the stairway as my team departed the meeting. We had them at "hello."
When you have those days you just have to savor them, the adrenaline, the "I can do this" the confidence the follows for several days afterwards, or until the next big project gets dropped in your lap. These are the days that I say to myself, THIS is why I work. THIS feeling, THIS validation of my creativity, THIS joy in seeing a group come together and leading talented designers through a challenging project that forced them to do more than they thought they were capable of.
And to top it off I have stayed on top of the crazy influx of paperwork that accompanies the beginning of a school year for Little One, kept the house in decent shape, managed to get a hot dinner on the table each night and nailed down a schedule for volunteering in Little One's classroom once a month. I'll be working with a total of 12-16 2nd graders to put together a small production of poem's by Shel Silverstein.
Today I am owning my Super Mom, Super Employee, Super Boss title. I know it won't be long before I'm back in the monotony of everyday work and life, and I'll get behind in some area, or all areas, and wonder how the heck I'm going to make it through the day. But for now, I'm owning it. Watch out world!
- oh crap, did I forget to pay the electric bill. Gotta go get on that! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. :) It was a totally hard decision, and honestly, I have a neighbor going through nursing school right now and she never sees her family. I'm just not willing to do that. It's so hard, though, when you announce to the world "hey, I'm doing this!" and then you come back a few months later with your tail between your legs. Ah well, such is life! I feel confident that I made the right decision.

    I also wanted to let you know that I did delete your comment on my blog (not because I don't want you commenting!!) but because of the other site reference. My family reads my blog, and I'd rather that area remain separate. :) I am so glad you commented, though! Hugs!
